Global Synthesis Report

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How will our seas look in 2050? UNEP launches Marine Biodiversity Assessment and Outlook reports

The world’s seas and oceans are perhaps our richest source of biodiversity. But rising pollution, the effects of climate change and over-fishing are threatening the future of marine biodiversity across the globe. UNEP’s Marine Biodiversity Assessment and Outlook reports give a detailed overview of how these drivers of change – and many more – are affecting marine life in 18 world regions. They predict the extent of marine biodiversity in the year 2050 and outline vital actions that need to be taken to prevent extinctions and continue the sustainable use of our seas.
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Global Marine Biodiversity Report to be launched at CBD COP 10 in Nagoya, Japan

Based on scientific data and research across Europe, Africa, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia and Asia-Pacific regions the Global Synthesis Report draws on supporting data from all 18 Regional Seas. The Series which is being officially launched at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the first systematic assessment of marine biodiversity at a sub-global scale.


News Alerts

  • Guardian UK: Marine ecosystems at risk from pollution
    20 October 2010
  • REUTERS: UNEP Report Shows Rising Threats to Marine Biodiversity
    19 October 2010
  • How will our seas look in 2050?
    19 October 2010

IYB 2010

© United Nations Environment ProgrammePhotos courtesy of Ωceans and Jacques Perrin