Global Marine Biodiversity Report to be launched at CBD COP 10 in Nagoya, Japan |
Based on scientific data and research across Europe, Africa, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia and Asia-Pacific regions the Global Synthesis Report draws on supporting data from all 18 Regional Seas. The Series which is being officially launched at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the first systematic assessment of marine biodiversity at a sub-global scale. Date: Tuesday 19 October 2010 UNEP anticipates that these reports will form the baseline for assessing changes in marine biodiversity and the impact of investments made towards response mechanisms to manage marine and coastal ecosystems through UNEP’s Regional Seas Program. The Regional Seas Convention and Action Plans remain at the forefront of regional environmental agreements that have positive impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of the marine environment. Through these Conventions and Action Plans, member countries are able to set regional targets and identify relevant policy responses to manage key issues degrading oceans and coasts such as pollution from land-based sources, oil spills, climate change and physical alteration of habitats, amongst others. |